What Happened In October?
New at Baldwin:
* 61 children took part in activities such as spooky games, crafts, and a cake walk at our first Halloween Trunk or Treat Event.
Statistics for October:
* The Family Kitchen served 4,111 lunches, 779 dinners, and 470 breakfasts. 763 meals were served in the youth program. Overall, 6,886 meals were served.
* 146 low-income seniors received commodity food packages delivered to their homes.
* 409 volunteers contributed over 2,049 hours of service to Baldwin, valued at $44,646.62.
* 6 clients met with a public health nurse on Oct. 29th.
* Eagle Scouts have been busy completing projects such as a canned food drive and re-landscaping the courtyard in the youth center.
* The Clothes Closet had 1,224 shoppers (seven from HAVEN).
* 33 families cleaned 142 loads of laundry. 13 people took showers.
* 36 diaper care packages were distributed to new mothers and 3 layettes were given to families.
* 20 layettes were provided to Crossroads Pregnancy Center.
* Eighteen families no longer face eviction and six families were protected from utility shutoffs. Assistance totaled $7,710.06.
* One request for emergency food assistance was met.
* 3 women attended 6 yoga classes.
* Six GED clients were referred to the Oakland Literacy Council.
* 12 new clients enrolled in the GED program.
* 50 people received flu shots
* Average attendance in the After School Youth Program reached 35 children each day.
* 13 birthdays were celebrated, and 16 women received hygiene products.
* 28 children are now paired with volunteers for individual tutoring.
* 10 kids attended a Trips for Kids Ride to Yates Park and Yates Cider Mill on October 20th.
* 300 families were qualified for Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets and the Holiday Store.
* The Green Tops volunteered at the Oakland County Market Autumn Festival.
* Toast Restaurant provided bi-weekly meals in the youth program.
* Six volunteers from Jack and Jill came for a service day to sort food.
* 40 Oakland University students helped sort food for Holiday Baskets during “Make a Difference Day”.
* Brookwood held their annual flea market to benefit the Baldwin Center.
* Orchard Lake Country Club and Fox Grill provided meals in the soup kitchen as part of Feed The Need.
* Dawson Tree Service provided 2 loads of wood chips.
* Food drives occurred at Gordon Food Service, BoRics, and Ryder .
* 54 Oakland Christian School students prepared the gardens for the winter season, created a compost area for each of the three gardens, and sorted canned food for the Holiday Basket programs during their H.S. Serve Day.
October Needs:
* Turkeys for Holiday Baskets
* New Clothing items (all ages) for Holiday Store
* Diapers for ages 5 – 8 months
* GED program volunteer tutors
Coming In November:
* Election Day
* Thanksgiving Food Basket Distribution
* Volunteer information session– Nov. 14th at 5pm.
For more information about our Food Baskets, the Holiday Store and other Baldwin Center activities, visit www.baldwincenter.org
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