GreenTops Go Off to Market

The GreenTops farm stand business is open again at area farmers’ markets. This past weekend marked the group’s return to seasonal entrepreneurship, selling the crops they’ve grown and harvested in Baldwin’s three urban gardens. The group is comprised of ten high school students, mostly from Pontiac Academy for Excellence, and is supervised by an adult facilitator and a master gardener/professor from Oakland University.

Aaron, an 11th grade member of the GreenTops group, said four of their members went out last Saturday. “This is the first year we’re participating at the Oakland County farmers’ market, so it was nice to get out. I think being students, we really piqued the customers’ interest.” Jody, another student in the group, shared their success. “We sold fennel and garlic scapes, and tried to share recipes and the types of dishes that one could make with the produce. But snap peas were the big seller.” The group doubled it’s starting profit by the end of the day.

The GreenTops are still looking for adult volunteers to drive them to area farmers’ markets on Saturdays. Baldwin Center will provide the vehicle, gas, and meeting area. If you are interested in sharing a few hours this summer, please contact Alex Plum or Kelly Michaud by calling 248.332.6101, or emailing or

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