Do you know what happened in JUNE?

What’s new at the Baldwin Center:

  • Three gardens are planted and producing delicious produce.  Students from Kennedy School are helping to tend the garden this summer thanks to a grant from the Michigan Disability Rights Coalition.

Statistics for June:

  • The Family Kitchen served 3,835 lunches, 753 dinners and 499 homeless breakfasts. Youth in the after school program were served 156 dinners and 206 snacks. 160 youth box lunches were served.  Overall, 5,652 meals were served.
  • The Clothes Closet had 1,131 shoppers, including three from HAVEN (the local domestic violence shelter) and two from local area substance abuse rehabilitation facilities.
  • 12 youth from the First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham sorted and moved canned goods.
  • Nine new students enrolled in the GED program.
  • 69 people received showers.
  • 37 families cleaned 149 loads of laundry.
  • One family was assisted with establishing a budget.
  • 13 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings were held.
  • 26 people received a health screening from St. Joe’s hospital.
  • One person was provided with prescription assistance.
  • 29 mothers received diapers; five families were helped with baby furniture; and three newborn layettes were distributed to young families.
  • Six birthdays were celebrated and 19 women received feminine hygiene products.
  • The after school program was closed at the end of the school year and the space transformed for the summer enrichment camp that is to begin July 5th.
  • 24 youth from Jack & Jill of America participated in a day of service as part of a regional conference.
  • 29 families were provided cash assistance to prevent utility shutoffs and evictions. Assistance totaled $10,459.25.
  • GED students attended a presentation from Oakland Community College about how to extend their education.
  • 136 low-income seniors received commodity food packages delivered to their home.
  • The average attendance in the after school program was 18.
  • 21 bicycles were distributed.
  • 894 volunteers gave 3584.25 hours of service valued at $70,932.31.

Non-Financial Needs:

  • Photo Albums
  • School Supplies

Coming in July:

  • Open house is the 23rd at 11 am.
  • Mental Health First Aid Training.
  • Festival of Health, an all day health fair sponsored by the Detroit area Presbytery.
  • Summer Enrichment camp begins.  Participants will also spend a week at Camp Kinawind in Boyne Falls.
  • Green Tops will begin selling at area farmer’s markets.
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