Clothes Closet is Almost RED-dy!

If you haven’t been up to the Baldwin Center lately, it’s time to stop by! The Clothes Closet is undergoing a significant facelift; over the past four weeks, the old paint has been scraped away, and a new coat of red is going up. The project is being performed by AmeriCorps NCCC volunteers, who make up the 8-member Maple 7 team. Five days a week, they come up early, don their overalls and masks, and pick up scrapers and brushes, and inject life into the Clothes Closet and into the community.

Team Leader Rachel Evans thinks the project has been an important one. “I can tell that the community really buys into this project. Folks stop by to comment on how nice it looks, or to share their opinion on the color. It’s awesome to see the ownership they take over this community resource.” When asked the team’s favorite part of volunteering, however, volunteer Callie Keeney laughed. “We really like working with the chaos and excitement of the youth in the afternoons. The house project has been hard work, but we can see our progress and we take pride in the effect it’s having on the community.”

The Clothes Closet is located in an old farm house adjacent to the Baldwin Center’s kitchen, youth center, and main offices. The paint and primer was donated by Pontiac Paint and Varnish, located at the corner of Woodward Ave and Huron St in downtown Pontiac. “The Baldwin Center is a terrific resource to this community,” said Jamie Delahand, general manager of the store. “We really wanted to take this chance to be in partnership with them to support how they have helped Pontiac meet its needs.”

The Maple 7 team will depart Pontiac on Wednesday June 27 and head back to Iowa for training before taking on their final project. Stop by to say thanks and share your appreciation for the work they’ve done!

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