What Happened in September?

New at Baldwin:              

*Welcome to Kristina Scharer, the new Community Affairs Coordinator.  She will work to build relationships with volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders.

Statistics for September:

*The Family Kitchen served 4,006 lunches, 753 dinners, and 478 homeless breakfasts. 964 meals were served in the youth program. Overall, 6,201 meals were served.

*146 low-income seniors received commodity food packages delivered to their homes.

*300 volunteers contributed over 1,570 hours of service to Baldwin, valued at $34,218.00.

*The Clothes Closet had 1,378 shoppers (six from HAVEN).

*30 women from Crossroads Pregnancy Center, Mary’s Mantle and Lighthouse attended  a gift-filled baby shower sponsored by God’s Grace Ministry.

*24 families cleaned 98 loads of laundry. 32 people took showers.

*21 mothers received diapers; four families were helped with baby furniture; and three newborn layettes were given to families.

*Twelve  families were protected from utility shutoffs and eight families no longer face eviction. Assistance totaled $4,841.91.

*One request for emergency food assistance was met.

*Nine GED clients were referred to the Oakland Literacy Council.

*10 enrolled in the GED program.

*20 prospective volunteers visited to learn more about our programs.

*Six women attended four yoga classes.

*Air International came back for their third work day (two days).  The hoop house was upgraded, garden irrigation improved and signage added to the clothes closet and new electrical was put in the garage.

*The afterschool program began this month.  62 students are enrolled, on average 34 attended each day.

*8 birthdays were celebrated, and 15 women received hygiene products.

*22 children are now paired with volunteers for individual tutoring.

*Oakland University teachers in training are working with after school students as part of their reading assessment class.Six children joined the youth employment program at Bloomer Park’s Velodrome for  a Trips for Kids bike ride and to see a race in action.

*Toast of Birmingham provided dinners for the after school program.

*The youth summer employment program ended.  Participants learned job skills and experienced outdoor recreation activities.

*65 Baldwin volunteers attended the Tigers vs. Indians baseball game for the volunteer appreciation event.

*Dawson’s Tree Service donated 12 yards of wood chips for the garden and grounds.

*GM employees came for a work day in the youth center and helped sort food.

*Dick O’Dows and P.F. Changs provided meals in the Family Kitchen as part of Feed the Need.

*Bethany Christian joined volunteers in the Family Kitchen to serve meals.

October Needs:

*Gifts for the Holiday Store

*Canned goods for Holiday Food Baskets

*New Clothing items (all ages) for Holiday Store

*Tutor-mentors for GED program

*Volunteers for office assistance

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